Students kick up their heels & get “Nasty”

Author: DJ Nasty Naz  //  Category: Music, Parties and Nightlife

The Aquinian Newspaper                        

Mon, Jan 19, 2009

By Viola Pruss

Whoever thought Holy Cross House could not host a great party was proven wrong this Saturday at the Wet and Dry Dance in George Martin Hall. While the beat of Atlantic Canada’s most famous DJ, Nasty Naz, spread through the cafeteria, it was easily forgotten that this hall usually hosts food and students during break time. About 300 students enjoyed dancing to the music of a man who seems to have found both his success and aspiration in his work.

Being voted best DJ for the last three years by Much Music & Stylus, Nasty Naz, who grew up in Trinidad, came to Fredericton via a scholarship from UNB to study business. At home he had already started out being a DJ at various shows and was now willing to bring his music and culture to the UNB parties. Even though it seems complicated to adjust people to a new form of partying, he tries to create a mix of culture and sound at his performances. 

Nasty Naz is as much a musician as comedian and always in close contact with the people. While he has no time for a relationship, there is always some left for a chat with a fan or a flirt with the crowd. He hopes that with every show more people will discover his restaurant Caribbean Flavas (, support his Facebook fan page or check out his website  
While having two jobs at once is already stressing, he claims to have six altogether. Not only being a DJ and chef, but also working the same on tour with other artists like the Black Eyed Peas and Akon, writing for two newspapers and recording shows for three Radio Stations across Canada, are part of his everyday life.  He is up for work from ten in the morning until four at night. Being asked whether this is too much he just replies that it can never be enough as long as the people appreciate his work and keep him going. Whether it is 250 students or a couple thousand, he is still humble about the shows and amazed by the excitement of the people: “It gives you Goosebumps! Fans mean everything. Without them I would be alone, sitting on the coach at home, watching a movie, instead of being here tonight.” When asked about his future plans he replies that he won’t stop as long as the people don’t want him to: “I have not even see the highlight of my career yet.” He thanks St. Thomas University for its support. It is important to him that the people know how much the University helped him when opening “Caribbean Flavas”, while his professors at UNB would doubt his success and failed him. Instead he kept to the project and by now Caribbean Flavas became awarded “best restaurant in the province”. Tuesday night Students with a valid ID can have cheaper appetizers while 2 Dollars of the cost go to the “Friend of KOFI” charity. When asked whether he thinks about staying in Fredericton he replies that so far Fredericton can provide him with everything he needs.

The donations made on Saturday go to the Mental Health Association as well as the money Nasty Naz earned from the sale of his T-Shirts. Ashley Charlton, the houses’ president, says that Holy Cross has always been known for its charitable fundraisers and events. “This is the first year we’re attempting to designate one house charity.  We have begun the process of naming the Canadian Mental Health Association Fredericton Branch as our official charity.”  The Wet and Dry is the first of many donations. Holy Cross is also active part of “Trick or Eat” and helps fundraising for the Canadian Cancer Society’s Relay to support and help people who suffer from mental illness.

It has been the first time in three years that a dance was hosted in George Martin Hall. Being located in between the three residences Vanier, Harrington and Holy Cross, the music was trusted to be heard in the surrounding buildings to draw people in.  Alex Solak, organizer of the event, said that even though James Dunn was the main place for parties in the last three years, it has a rather cavernous atmosphere, whereas George Martin offers space and a calm environment. The idea of creating a Graffiti Party with Students writing on each other’s white shirts left them with take home memories, while the music took care of the vibe. Being a Residence Advisor for three years now Alex Solak has experienced many residence parties and claims that the impression people have of Holy Cross is rather wrong. Only Vanier and Holy Cross, often frowned upon as the two quiet houses on campus, were hosting a Wet and Dry dance this year, even though every house is supposed to. It is not the house, but the people and the atmosphere that make a party worth dancing on. Holy Cross and DJ Nasty Naz clearly proved how a Wet and Dry is supposed to be.

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