Author: DJ Nasty Naz // Category:
Caribbean Flavas,
Fredericton DJ serving up a menu for Cohen http://www.cbc.ca/canada/new-brunswick/story/2008/05/22/nb-naz-cater…
22/05/2008 11:19 PM
Fredericton DJ serving up a menu for Cohen
Last Updated: Thursday, May 22, 2008 | 12:04 PM AT
CBC News
A Fredericton restaurateur has spun his way into catering for Leonard Cohen and his crew while the
singer-songwriter tours the Maritimes.
Naz Ali travels North America spinning records in clubs and concert halls when he isn’t operating his
restaurant, Caribbean Flavas, in Fredericton.
Also known at DJ Nasty Naz, Ali’s job in the music industry has led him to rub elbows in L.A. and Miami
with some big stars. Read more…
Author: DJ Nasty Naz // Category:
Caribbean Flavas
Hardworking, talented | Naz Ali has managed to successfully juggle two careers – one as a restaurateur and another as internationally known DJ Nasty Naz.
FULFILLING WORK: Naz Ali runs his downtown restaurant, Caribbean Flavas, and is also a DJ — DJ Nasty Naz — who often records live shows for syndicated radio programming heard in Toronto, Calgary, the Netherlands and New York City.

He loves to feed you — body and soul.
The lunch crowd at Caribbean Flavas is just leaving and Naz Ali is able to leave his openconcept kitchen and come into the dining area for a chat. He’s been up since dawn. Ali won’t stop until sometime in the wee hours of tomorrow but he’s not complaining. Ali loves the crazy hours he keeps.
As a restaurateur and DJ, he’s having a love affair with his dual careers. Because he often works 18-hour days in demanding, albeit fulfilling occupations, he doesn’t have time for a relationship presently, he says. If and when it does happen, it will have to be with someone who is involved in some way with the industry and who understands the demands on his time.
“Food and music are my girlfriends,” says Ali.
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Author: DJ Nasty Naz // Category:
Parties and Nightlife
After winning Canadian Idol in 2006, Eva Avila hit the road hard, to be on tour and to get to know the fans. She did her thing in her hometown, having her dad and her brotha join her on stage, and totally took the crowd by storm. Having fallen sick – her drummer Shamakah, had to leave the tour for a quick sick break, but the her team, under the guidance of her talented sound engineer – Colin, quickly regained another drummer, which helped them out in the end, and managed to keep up with Eva’s talented stage presence. Read more…
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